Thursday, June 19, 2008

Challah For Refuah

Several of Rochie's friends and classmates have committed to perform this special women's Mitzvah in her Z'chus this week. Thanks Shoshi for coordinating this effort. Please post here if you've joined this initiative.

Women in London and Manchester, England are networking to create groups of 40 women to bake Challah and have Rochie in mind L'Refuah Shleimah.


Anonymous said...

I will, bli neder, do hafrashas challah this Erev Shabbos with Rochie in mind for a speedy refuah shleimah.

Esty Marcus said...

i will also make challah this shabbos.

Anonymous said...

I will keep Rochie in mind when I make Challah every Friday until she has a Refuah Shlaimah Bekarov Mamesh!

Anonymous said...

I wasn't going to bake this week because I was tired and not really in the mood... But in the zchus of Rochie I did. And my challahs came out better than ever!

faigierabin said...

I made Challahs this Shabbos as well and they also come out very well.

Anonymous said...

I also will make challah in honor of Rochie for a refuah schleimah!

Anonymous said...

another challa maker here...for a speedy recovery NOW!!!

Anonymous said...

The Zalmanovs baked Challah for a Refuah Shleima for Rochie, may it be right NOW!

Anonymous said...

This week the Shluchos all over the world baked Challah for a Refuah Shleima for Rochie.
(Through the "Shluchos Network")

Anonymous said...

As Mindy said this past shabbos when i took challah as part of the shluchos, i gathered my children and we all said for a refuah shelimah for rochie iyh quickly.
in the zechus that she came far out and spent one of her summers with us on shlichus to do the day camp with a perfect smile and gave over so much to the children may all the zechusimadd up quickly for a complete and true refuah