Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Siyum Tonight

Tonight, Wednesday at 8:00 there will be a siyum at our home, 536 Crown st. for Rochie's immediate recovery.

We apologize for not updating until now, unfortunately there hasn't been anything to report. With Hashem's help we will have good news to report very soon.


Anonymous said...

Wish I could be there with you, I am with you in thought and spirit if that helps.

Debbie from California

Anonymous said...

wish i could be there but i can't be there but were doing a siyim here in albany for our camp!! keep on saying tehillim!!

Moishy And family form Albany NY!

Anonymous said...

I think of Rochie every single day. I hope her precious baby is well, and that her husband is managing under these difficult circumstances. May G-d bless her (and all who need) with a refuah shleima b'karov mamesh.

Anonymous said...
